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PCB Assembly Parts Lib

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For PCBA Only

All parts ordered at JLCPCB are for PCB assembly orders only. Pickup service is not supported.

Pre-order Parts

Ordering parts before placing PCBA orders, no worries about last-minute part shortages.

No Inventory Cost

Building private parts library for PCB assembly is free. There is no inventory cost or labor fee.
How It Works
Pre-order the required components in advance to ensure sufficient components are ready anytime.
Place a PCBA order with confidence at any time when your design is ready
JLCPCB helps you produce and assemble PCB boards as fast as 3 days.
Services & Tools
350k+ in-stock JLCPCB components are ready to be used for your projects.
Parts Selection
Upload BOM file to view parts' real-time prices and availability. One-click to purchase parts in the BOM file.
Bom Tool
Help you source parts fast from quality-assured suppliers. Set you free from supply chain problems.
Parts Sourcing
Check the status of the parts ordered in Parts Order history.
Order Status