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JLCPCB SMT Parts Library & Component Sourcing

Ship to
  • Switched Capacitor Filters

  • Manufacturer
    • Analog Devices
    • Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated
  • PackageType
    • MSOP-8-EP
    • SO-20-300mil
    • SO-24-300mil
    • SOIC-20-300mil
  • Clock Feedthrough
    • 10mVp-p
    • 200uVRMS
  • Filter Order
    • 4
    • 8
  • Filter Type
    • General Purpose Filters
  • Frequency - Cutoff or Center
    • 0.1kHz~20kHz
  • Number of Filters
    • 2
    • 4
  • Operating Temperature
    • -40℃~+85℃
  • Supply Voltage
    • -8V~8V
Results remaining: 11
11 items in total
  • 1