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Instruction on Searching JLCPCB Electronic Components

Instruction on Searching JLCPCB Electronic Components

How to search for electronic components on JLCPCB:

Option 1:

1. Click the link to access the JLCPCB Parts library: JLCPCB Parts Library.

2. Select the corresponding component category and classification to narrow down your search range.

For capacitors, find the "Capacitors" category and enter the desired component classification. Use the provided filtering options to refine your search.

For example, to find YAGEO 0402 multilayer ceramic capacitors, select the corresponding parameters in the filtering box and click "Apply" to obtain component information within those parameters.

Click the buttons for inventory availability and price sorting. The process for searching other components is the same.

Option 2:

If you know the specific parameters of the component, utilize the combination search feature.

For example, searching for "0402 10nf Yageo" will prompt the system to highlight the matching search parameters.

Follow the steps in Option 1 to check inventory availability and price.

For feedback or suggestions regarding search results, use the feedback option at the top. If you need assistance finding specific components, contact JLCPCB's customer service via live chat or email (

Last updated on July 18, 2024