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How to Prepare Gerber Files Before Placing Orders?

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How to Prepare Gerber Files Before Placing Orders?

Generally, the layers that are needed for producing PCBs are only as shown in the form below.

Any other layers in the gerber file, such as sk, stiffener layer, direct heatsink pad layer, GM layer and so on, should be remarked the usage of it when placing orders. Otherwise, it/they may be ignored.

Recommended layer names in the Gerber file of FR-4/Flex/Aluminum/Copper Core/Rogers/PTFE Teflon

Layer name  Corresponding layer meaning
boardname.GTOTop Silkscreen
boardname.GTSTop Soldermask
boardname.GTLTop Layer
boardname.G2L,G3L...Inner layers
boardname.GBLBottom Layer
boardname.GBSBottom Soldermask
boardname.GBOBottom Silkscreen
boardname.GKO/GM1Board Outline (slots, v-cut lines and so on)
skThe vias which need to be filled with resin/copper/solder mask ink
drill map/drill drawing Ensure the correct implementation of hole positions, attributes, and quantities, (highly recommend providing this layer)
Stiffener layerFor flex boards only, and only show the information of stiffener
Direct heatsink pad layerFor Copper core boards only, and only show the position of direct heatsink pads

How to Prepare Gerber Files for FR-4 Orders?

For FR-4 boards, if any vias need to be filled with solder mask ink/epoxy/copper paste, please indicate such vias in the sk layer, and remark both the layer name and its uasage when placing orders.

Please remember to put only one GKO layer in the file, and delete other GM layers or outline layers.

How to Prepare Gerber Files for Copper Core Orders?

1. The Direct Heatsink pad should be separated from other pads which are used to connect.

2. The minimum width of the Direct Heatsink pad is 1mm.

3. When placing orders, please put the screenshot of the Direct Heatsink pad inside the Gerber file, or put the Direct Heatsink pad in another layer, and remark where it is put as shown in the form above. Meanwhile, please don't forget to choose the "confirm production file" option to check that.

How to Prepare Gerber Files for Flex Orders?

Basically, the Gerber file of Flex boards is the same as Fr4 boards.

But you may need to set a layer to indicate the position and thickness of the stiffener you need as shown in the form above.

And then when placing orders, please remember to choose the stiffener you need and remark the layer you put stiffener on.

Last updated on Mar 12, 2024

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