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Demystifying Conformal Coating

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Demystifying Conformal Coating

Oct 20, 2023

Welcome to JLCPCB's blog, your ultimate resource for all things related to conformal coating for printed circuit boards (PCBs). In this article, we will explore the significance of conformal coating, the different types of coating materials available, the application process, and the importance of quality assurance and testing. Whether you're a seasoned PCB designer or a beginner in the field, this article will provide valuable insights to help you understand and utilize conformal coatings effectively. Let's dive in!

Understanding Conformal Coating

The process of applying a protective coating to a printed circuit board (PCB) in order to shield it from moisture, dust, chemicals, and changes in temperature is known as conformal coating. This covering is ordinarily a dainty polymer film that adjusts to the forms of the PCB, thus the name "conformal."

The Process of Applying Conformal Coating to PCBs

There are several steps involved in applying conformal coating to a PCB. In the first place, the PCB should be completely cleaned and dried to eliminate any pollutants that could impede the bond of the covering. Then, the covering is applied utilizing a shower, plunge, or brush strategy, contingent upon the kind of covering and the size and intricacy of the PCB.

When applying conformal coating, there are several considerations to keep in mind to ensure optimal protection. These include:

  • Covering thickness: The thickness of the covering ought to be adequate to give the ideal degree of security without impeding the usefulness of the PCB.
  • Coverage: The coating should cover all exposed surfaces of the PCB, including components, connectors, and solder joints.
  • Curing time: The coating should be allowed to cure fully before the PCB is put into service to ensure maximum protection.
  • Repairability: If the PCB needs to be repaired or modified in the future, the coating should be easy to remove and reapply without damaging the PCB.

All in all, conformal covering is a fundamental cycle for safeguarding PCBs from ecological variables that can harm or debase their exhibition.

The Conformal Coating Process

Conformal coating is an essential step in the PCB design process for preventing damage to PCBAs. This protective coating shields the components and exposed copper on a PCBA from damage caused by moisture, dust, chemicals, and other environmental factors.

The state of a component, particularly its cleanliness, can impact how conformal coating works. Prior to applying conformal covering, it's vital to guarantee that the parts and PCB are liberated from foreign substances like residue, oil, and fingerprints. Any contaminants left on the surface of the PCB can cause adhesion issues, leading to premature failure of the coating.

Masking is a useful way to prepare a PCB or component for the conformal coating process. This strategy includes covering explicit regions of the PCB with tape or a fluid veil to keep the covering from being applied to those areas. Covering is especially helpful while managing connectors, switches, or different regions where the covering might slow down the usefulness of the gadget.

Selection of Conformal Coating Materials

Different Types of Conformal Coatings and Their Characteristics

There are a few kinds of conformal coatings accessible, each with its own arrangement of qualities that make it reasonable for various applications. Here are the most common types of conformal coatings and their characteristics:

Type of
Conformal Coating
AcrylicEasy to apply dries quickly, and provides good moisture and chemical resistance. Not suitable for environments with high temperatures.
SiliconeProvides excellent moisture and chemical resistance, as well as good thermal stability. Can be difficult to apply and remove.
PolyurethaneProvides excellent abrasion, humidity, and corrosion resistance. Can be challenging to fix whenever harmed.
EpoxyProvides excellent chemical and solvent resistance, as well as good adhesion. Not suitable for high-temperature environments.

Factors to Consider

The decision to cover will rely upon the particular application and natural circumstances that the gadget will be presented to. The covering material is chosen in view of the particular natural circumstances that the PCB will be presented to and the ideal degree of assurance.

There are numerous conformal coating materials available, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Probably the most normally utilized conformal covering materials incorporate:

Acrylic: possesses excellent resistance to chemical and moisture, but may not be appropriate for high-temperature applications.

Silicone: Offers great dampness and temperature obstruction, however may not be essentially as sturdy as different coatings.

Polyurethane: possesses excellent chemical and abrasion resistance, but may not be as effective against temperature and moisture as other materials.

• Epoxy: Offers excellent chemical resistance and good temperature resistance, but may not be as effective against moisture and UV light.

While picking the best covering material, different factors should contemplated, including:

Environmental conditions: The coating material should be selected based on the specific environmental conditions that the PCB will be exposed to. For instance, on the off chance that the PCB will be presented to high mugginess, a covering material with great dampness obstruction ought to be chosen.

Application method: The coating material should be compatible with the application method used. Some coating materials may require specialized equipment or techniques for application.

Board design: The coating material should be compatible with the board design, including any components or connectors that may need to be left uncoated.

Cost: The expense of the covering material ought to be thought of, as certain materials might be more costly than others.

Notwithstanding the previously mentioned factors, it is fundamental to consider the ideal degree of insurance while choosing a conformal covering material. A couple of uses could require a thicker covering to give a more raised degree of protection, while others could require a slimmer concealing to keep with electrical conductivity.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Common Testing Methods

Conformal coatings are utilized to shield PCBs from natural factors like dampness, residue, and synthetic substances. However, the effectiveness of conformal coatings can be compromised if they are not applied correctly or if they are not tested thoroughly.

One common testing method for ensuring the effectiveness of conformal coatings is the salt spray test. This test involves exposing the coated PCB to a salt spray for a specified period of time. The PCB is then reviewed for any indications of erosion or harm. Another common testing method is the thermal cycling test, which involves exposing the coated PCB to extreme temperatures to simulate the effects of temperature changes on the system.


In conclusion, conformal coating plays a crucial role in protecting PCBs from environmental factors that can jeopardize their performance and longevity. By choosing the right coating material, applying it correctly, and conducting thorough testing, designers can ensure optimal protection for their PCBs.

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