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How to Avoid Shorts and Open Circuits in Dry Film Etching Process

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How to Avoid Shorts and Open Circuits in Dry Film Etching Process

Aug 21, 2023

When utilizing the dry film etching process, it is crucial to take precautions to prevent short circuits and open circuits in printed circuit boards (PCBs). JLCPCB emphasizes specific considerations to ensure the integrity and functionality of PCB designs. This article provides guidelines for maintaining adequate trace width and spacing as well as utilizing hatched copper pours effectively to avoid defects during the dry film etching process.

Maintaining Adequate Trace Width and Spacing

insufficient trace width/spacing on pcb

JLCPCB employs a dry film etching process, which requires careful attention to trace width and spacing. In the case of boards with 2 oz copper, a minimum trace width and spacing of 0.16/0.16 mm must be maintained. This is essential to avoid the occurrence of shorts and open circuits caused by dry film fragments getting stuck between traces or being washed off thin traces during the etching process. To ensure reliable connections and prevent circuit discontinuities, any traces in a design that falls short of the specified width and spacing must be adjusted before fabrication.

Guidelines for Hatched Copper Pours

hatched zone grid dimensions

In the dry film etching process, specific focus must be given to hatched copper pours to prevent defects such as open circuits and shorts caused by dry film fragments. When utilizing hatched copper pours, it is crucial to consider the grid line width and spacing. JLCPCB recommends that both the grid line width and spacing should be equal to or greater than 0.254 mm to ensure the desired etching results.

same net clearance violation

If hatched copper pours are designed with insufficient width or spacing, it is advisable to either scale up the dimensions or consider making the copper pour solid. These guidelines are vital to mitigate the risk of dry film fragments causing disruptions or unwanted electrical connections during the etching process.


By adhering to instructions and capabilities, designers and manufacturers can significantly reduce the likelihood of short circuits and open circuits in PCBs during the dry film etching process. Maintaining adequate trace width and spacing, as well as properly configuring hatched copper pours, ensures the integrity and functionality of the PCB design. These precautions contribute to the production of reliable and high-quality PCBs, promoting efficient circuit performance and reducing the need for rework or troubleshooting.