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What is the build time?

What is the build time?

The build time means production lead time - From the start of physical production (When there is MI time of the order status in order history) to production finished (ready for sending to shipping center).

Typically, orders with standard parameters paid before 6pm GMT +8 will be put into production the same day. Orders paid after Saturday 18:00 (GMT+8) and on public holidays will be processed on the next business day. The following exceptions cause orders to be reviewed longer before production, and may cause delays for an order to start producing.

- If you provide any special instructions on your order
- Inconsistent or ambiguous data in design files will prompt additional questions
- When your confirmation is needed to process orders

Build times vary depending on quantity, the complexity of your boards, and the assembly processes if required. You can check all of this on our PCB Quote page. You can also track the real-time production status of your orders directly from Order History page.

Please see our services page for fabrication options to check out the build times.  

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Mar 12, 2024