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The Best Free Gerber Viewer Tools for PCB Designers

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The Best Free Gerber Viewer Tools for PCB Designers

Jan 30, 2024

In modern circuit board design, Gerber files are a common format used to convey circuit board manufacturing information.

With the continuous development of electronic products and the advancement of technology, PCB design has become increasingly complex. Designers need to meticulously review Gerber files to ensure design accuracy and manufacturability. However, traditional Gerber viewers are often costly and offer limited functionality, which restricts designers' efficiency and flexibility. Many free Gerber viewer tools are available to help PCB designers view and analyze Gerber files efficiently. This article introduces some of the best free Gerber viewer tools for PCB designers.


free gerber viewer Gerbv

Gerbv is an open-source Gerber viewer that is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS. It has an intuitive user interface and rich features, supporting the viewing, zooming, rotating, and measuring of multi-layer Gerber files. The software enables users to open and view Gerber (RS-274X) and Excellon drill files. GerberV also offers advanced features, including overlay viewing and error checking, to assist designers in ensuring the manufacturing quality of their boards.

JLCPCB Gerber Viewer

JLCPCB Gerber Viewer

JLCPCB is a renowned PCB manufacturer. JLCPCB Gerber Viewer is a free tool provided by JLCPCB for viewing Gerber files. It is specifically designed to be compatible with their PCB manufacturing process. The advantage of this tool is its close integration with JLCPCB's services, which ensures that designers can accurately preview and verify how their designs will perform during the manufacturing process.

JLCPCB Gerber Viewer offers essential functions for viewing and analyzing Gerber files, including common operations like magnification, rotation, and measurement. Designers can easily review Gerber files at various levels to ensure the accuracy of parameters such as layout, line width, spacing, and component placement. Furthermore, the JLCPCB Gerber Viewer is closely integrated with JLCPCB's manufacturing process and can directly load and preview design files, enabling designers to gain a better understanding of how their designs will perform during the manufacturing process.


gerber viewer : GerberLogix

GerberLogix is a Gerber file viewer provided by EasyLogix. Users can open and view standard Gerber files (RS-274X). The software offers an intuitive user interface and useful features, including layer control, measurement tools, and error checking. GerberLogix also features an automatic repair function that can assist designers in resolving common Gerber file issues.


free gerber viewer : ViewMate

ViewMate is a widely used free Gerber viewer with an intuitive user interface and extensive features. It supports the viewing and analysis of multi-layer Gerber files, including zooming, rotating, measuring, and cascading views. ViewMate supports multiple Gerber file formats, including RS-274X, and offers printing options for users to produce hard copies of Gerber files for physical inspection.


free gerber viewer :GC-Prevue

GC-Prevue is a widely used free Gerber viewer in the PCB manufacturing industry. It supports multiple Gerber file formats and layer controls for precise scaling, rotation, and measurement. GC-Prevue also includes DRC checking and error reporting capabilities to assist designers in ensuring the manufacturing quality of circuit boards.


gerber viewer

ZofzPCB is a powerful, free Gerber viewer designed for Windows operating systems. The software offers an intuitive user interface and a wide range of functions, including the ability to view, zoom, rotate, and measure multi-layer Gerber files. The most notable feature of ZofzPCB is its capability to transform two-dimensional Gerber files into intricate three-dimensional models, facilitating a better understanding and inspection of PCB designs. This tool can assist users in identifying errors in the design, such as misaligned layers or component placement issues.


free gerber viewer :GerberView

GerberView is a user-friendly, no-cost Gerber viewer designed for Windows operating systems. It supports the standard Gerber file format and basic scaling, rotation, and measurement functions. The GerberView interface is simple and clear, making it suitable for quickly viewing and verifying Gerber files.

Mayhew Labs' 3D Gerber Viewer

Mayhew Labs' 3D Gerber Viewer

It is an online tool. Users can simply visit the Mayhew Labs' 3D Gerber Viewer website and follow the instructions to upload a Gerber file. The purpose of this service is to provide a user-friendly platform that enables users to easily inspect and demonstrate their PCB designs. It's important to note that, as a free tool, Mayhew Labs' 3D Gerber Viewer may have some limitations, such as performance issues when working with very large or complex files. Additionally, as it is an online service, users need to depend on a stable internet connection when uploading and viewing files.


The accuracy and quality of Gerber files are crucial during the PCB design process. By utilizing top-notch free Gerber viewer tools for PCB designers, such as Gerbv and JLCPCB Gerber Viewer, designers can more effectively analyze and validate the manufacturing details of the circuit board. The JLCPCB Gerber Viewer is a tool closely integrated with the JLCPCB manufacturing process, offering designers a convenient and fast preview of Gerber files.